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Zuby.js provides a simple way to work with images. You can use the built-in Image component to display images in your app.

Image Component

This component offers client-cache invalidation on new build, lazy loading, and more. It also integrates with the @zubyjs/image plugin to provide image optimization and transformation. Here’s an example usage

import Image from '@zubyjs/preact/image';
export default function Home() {
return (
<Image src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt="My image" />


Image component accepts following props:

  • src - path to the image
  • alt - alt text for the image
  • width - width of the image
  • height - height of the image
  • quality - quality of the image (default: 80)
  • format - format of the image (default: webp)

If no quality or format is provided, the default quality from zuby.config.mjs will be used. This can be changed globally by setting image.defaultFormat and image.defaultQuality in zuby.config.mjs.

If no width and height are provided, the image will be rendered in its original size with max resolution 1920px.

While resizing the image, the original aspect ratio is always preserved. The Image will try to load the src image with the nearest size to the provided width and height and then resize it to the exact size using CSS.

@zubyjs/image plugin

By default, Zuby.js doesn’t transform or optimize images and keeps the src of the image mostly unchaged.

To integrate image optimization into your app, Zuby.js offers the @zubyjs/image plugin. It provides support for both build-time and runtime image optimization of your images and therefore works in both static and server output mode.

Runtime Image Optimization

For runtime image optimization, the plugin will add new endpoint to your server at /_image. This endpoint accepts input in the following format:


The format is used to find the optimized images in the client directory on filesystem and allows you to easily serve already optimized images from the CDN or custom web server.

For example to optimize image on path /images/dog.jpg to 80% quality, 300px width, 200px height and output format webp you can use the following URL:


To omit any of the parameters and use the default values or the original image values, you can use auto as the value. Example:


If the output format is same as the input format, you can leave the extension unchanged. Example:


Build-time Image Optimization

During the build, the plugin will optimize all images on pre-rendered pages and put them into the client/_image directory. Those images won’t be optimized again on runtime.

If you’re satisfied with the build-time optimization results, you can copy the client/_image directory to your public directory to skip the build-time optimization for those images in the future.

The build-time optimization is very useful for static output mode and can save a lot of time and resources on the server. On the other hand, it can significantly increase your build time.

If you want to disable the build-time optimization, you can set buildTime plugin option to false in your zuby.config.mjs or set maximum number of images to optimize using maxBuildTime option. The default value is 1000 images and the rest is optimized on-demand on runtime.

import { defineConfig } from 'zuby';
import preact from '@zubyjs/preact';
import image from '@zubyjs/image';
export default defineConfig({
outDir: '.zuby',
jsx: preact(),
plugins: [
maxBuildTime: 100,
buildTime: true

Image Loader

If you want to use external image optimization service instead of the @zubyjs/image plugin, you can provide your own ImageLoader function.

The Image Loader is a function that receives image props and returns the url for the Image component.

Here’s and example:

import type { ImageLoader, ImageLoaderOptions } from 'zuby/types.js';
export default function customImageLoader({
}: ImageLoaderOptions) {
const { buildId } = context;
// Your custom image optimization service.
// Build id is used to invalidate the cache on new build.
return `${src}?w=${width}&h=${height}&q=${quality}&f=${format}&${buildId}`;

Image Loader can be set in zuby.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from 'zuby';
import preact from '@zubyjs/preact';
import image from '@zubyjs/image';
export default defineConfig({
outDir: '.zuby',
jsx: preact(),
plugins: [
image: {
loader: './src/customImageLoader.tsx',

See the image component configuration section for all available options.